But I became furious when I read 她終於脫離了剩女行列. It's just too insane, this mentality!
Hk loves labeling... Just ignore that la, haha. And I always refer myself as 熟女,就爛個隻。people are referring girls around 30 as 中女,so I am definitely older than that la...
和你一樣,我不算特別喜歡她(也不討厭),但今日在那些婚禮的照片中,我在她臉上看到光彩,很漂亮! (也喜歡她德籍丈夫,有些憨厚老實但又像很懂生活情趣,很順眼靚仔,感覺兩人很襯)kikare: 無辦法,你看壹系的刊物(由報紙到忽然一周),全部一個tone,嫁得好才是幸福,生兒育女才叫人生美滿!
a very good song
i like her very much since i was still a kid haha! i also have her CDby the way, i have already been called "中女"呀.
nicole - ignore the mo liu people...
6 則留言:
But I became furious when I read 她終於脫離了剩女行列. It's just too insane, this mentality!
Hk loves labeling... Just ignore that la, haha. And I always refer myself as 熟女,就爛個隻。people are referring girls around 30 as 中女,so I am definitely older than that la...
和你一樣,我不算特別喜歡她(也不討厭),但今日在那些婚禮的照片中,我在她臉上看到光彩,很漂亮! (也喜歡她德籍丈夫,有些憨厚老實但又像很懂生活情趣,很順眼靚仔,感覺兩人很襯)
kikare: 無辦法,你看壹系的刊物(由報紙到忽然一周),全部一個tone,嫁得好才是幸福,生兒育女才叫人生美滿!
a very good song
i like her very much since i was still a kid haha! i also have her CD
by the way, i have already been called "中女"呀.
nicole - ignore the mo liu people...