1/ 上星期在FB做了個心裡測驗,是測試我內心其實是哪一個國籍的人。結果顯示我是德國人。
You are precise yet romantic, efficient yet dreamy, friendly yet somewhat suspicious of others. You rarely smile, but when you do it's very meaningful. You like it best when there is a group consensus, and yet you are easily annoyed by the slowness and/or stupidity of others. Sometimes you think that if only you could live on an island or move to some wonderful place far away, everything would be better, and if you can't realize this dream you often lose yourself in books/vacations/recipes/sports -- anything for an escape! All in all, however, you make your peace with life, and have many old friends.
2/ 前天看了"It's kind of a funny story",講一個有自殺念頭的中產少年人在醫院精神科幾天的遭遇。不錯的電影,調子有點像Juno,即是有點黑色有點沉鬱但其實又透著希望。我覺得電影的結論就是 make peace with life,生活就是充滿無奈,但我們要跟它交朋友,有時順著它,有時挑戰它,日子便容易過。
3/ 說起 old friends,週末醒來躺在床上讀電郵,竟然收到一個大學同學的電郵。大學畢業後好像就沒見過這個朋友,對上一次通電話也是十多年前的事。同學是在搜尋女兒升小學的資料時找到我的BLOG的(我有寫過這些正經事嗎),互聯網真是好奇妙啊。
我聽了,馬上就作了一點 reflection,我是男生,也希望找個單純沒幾心的女孩吧。像我這種頂心頂肺,動輒冷謿熱諷,要求多多,麻麻煩煩的女子,居然也沒被嫌棄,也是個福氣吧。